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How to Fix a Sagging Futon

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Has your futon suddenly started to sag in the middle? If you have any problems with a sagging futon, you’ve come to the right place. A sagging futon can be fixed with a little extra support.

In this article, I’ll demonstrate how to repair your sagging futon. I’ll also offer some tips for stopping sagging reoccurring in the future.

Methods to Fix a Sagging Futon

Add Support

plywood slacks ready to be used to fix a sagging futon

One of the best ways you can improve a sagging futon is to give extra support. Support can come in a few forms. The best of this is plywood slacks under the cushions.

The first step in adding plywood slacks is to measure the base of your futon. Once you know how wide (from back to front) the base of the futon is, you are ready to cut plywood. Plywood is cheap and you can often buy it in large sheets. Use a saw to cut planks of plywood.

Take off the cushions or mattress from your futon. Then slide the plywood planks underneath where the cushions were. If they are the correct size, they should fit neatly into the base. Place several at equal spacing across the futon.

Then replace the cushions. These slacks will take some of the weight when someone sits on the sofa. The wide plywood will distribute the weight, making sure your futon lasts longer.

This can also stop the center of the futon from sagging. The plywood will become a new base that holds up the center.

Use Mattress Cushion Supports

A furniture cushion support can go in the same location as the plywood. These are longer, thin mats that branch across a futon. They provide extra support and act as a new base for the futon.

If your futon has already started to sag, try adding one of these. They often will give enough support to prevent the sagging.

Re-Stuff the Cushions

using foam to restuff couch cushions

If you’re desperate to fix a sagging futon, you can always re-stuff the cushions. For this process, you’re going to need some fabric cutters, cushion foam, and a stapler.

First of all, cut open your mattress. Please check the cushions definitely don’t have a zip you could use before doing this! If they have a zip, simply unzip them.

You should make a large cut along one side of the cushion upholstery. This will expose the cushion itself. Then cut some additional cushion foam from that which you’ve bought. Use these extra pieces to stuff the mattress cushion.

Once your cushion has a large amount of foam, you can then use a stapler to connect the upholstery back together. Depending on the material, you could also use a needle and thread for this step. Once you’ve closed the cushions, place them back onto the futon base.

With extra foam, they will be more durable. This will fix any current sag, as well as preventing any new ones from occurring as quickly.

This is a rather extreme step, so make sure you’ve tried everything else before cutting open your futon.

How to Prevent a Futon From Sinking

If you’re looking to stop your futon from sinking, you need to take proper care of it.

Rotate Your Mattress Often

Make sure to rotate your mattress at least once a week. This will ensure that no one particular part of the futon takes an unnecessary burden. Everyone has a favorite spot on their couch, make sure yours isn’t wearing down your futon.

Simply pick up the mattress and rotate it 180 degrees.

Flip Your Mattress

futon mattress being rotated and flipped to help it last

Just like the last tip, this helps to reduce strain on a mattress. If you flip your mattress, a new side will become exposed. This gives your futon mattress more longevity as it has less strain on one specific part.

Combine the two above tips for your best chance at durability.

Refold the mattress in the reverse direction

Now and again, you’re going to want to reverse fold the mattress. The mattress is often folded in one direction. Overuse of the folding feature will wear out your mattress. To try and reverse some of this stain, make sure to fold it in reverse now and again.

This will strengthen the fibers of the mattress by improving their flexibility. This can stop a sagging mattress as it will stay stronger for longer.

Air Your Mattress Out

Bring your mattress out into your garden and fold it over a fence. Use whatever blunt object you can find it essentially beat your mattress. This will air it out, getting air into the mattress, and removing dirt.

Depending on how long you’ve gone without doing this, there might be a lot of fallen dust. A clear and clear mattress will last much longer than one that is has become crusted with dust.

Buy a Futon Sofa Sleeper

A sofa sleeper is off-the-ground support for your futon mattress. This turns it into a more American-style futon. This provides structure to your futon mattress. Like the above steps, extra support will improve the longevity of your mattress.

Why Does my Futon Sink in the Middle?

Futon in living room being checked for sagging

Futons sink because of two reasons, their base or their cushions giving way. The base of a futon is frequently made of metal or wood. Both of these materials can begin to bend over time. Although metal will last longer, it will still not last forever.

A wooden frame is a little more precarious. These can warp with time, but can also suffer water damage. Water can get into the wood, causing it to warp easily. This will cause a futon to sink in the middle.

Cushions can also become worn over time. Increased weight on the futon mattress can lead to the cushion foam wearing down. Over time, this ends with a sagging sofa.

Do Futons Break Easily?

The answer to this question completely depends on the quality and materials used. If you want a futon that will last, I would look for one with a metal frame. Another tip is to search for futons with a thicker mattress or cushions. Thicker padding will have more foam, and therefore will last longer.


If you’re looking to fix your futon, you should either add more support to the base or cushions. If you are really in a sticky situation, you can also add a new frame to the futon.

Make sure to care for your futon, flipping and rotating it regularly. This is one of the best ways to ensure that it lasts the test of time.

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